On a limited income? Having trouble paying your telephone bill? If you are a low-income household or are enrolled in government programs like SNAP or Medical Assistance, you qualify! Contact us about the program.
Services Provided
AcenTek provides single-party residential voice services. This includes access to:
- voice grade to the public switched network,
- local storage,
- dual tone, multi-frequency signaling or its functional equivalent,
- single-party service or its functional equivalent,
- emergency services,
- operator services,
- inter-exchange service,
- directory assistance, and
- toll limitation for qualifying low-income customers.
Lifeline provides certain discounts on monthly service for qualified subscribers. The Lifeline credit may be used to reduce the price of your monthly local phone service or Internet service.
How to Qualify
Lifeline is available to qualifying customers in every U.S. state. The subscriber must participate in one of the following programs:
- Federal Public Housing Assistance
- Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Income below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
- Medicaid
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Veteran's Pension Survivors Benefit
Please be aware that only one Lifeline discount may be received per household, even if the household has more than one telephone account, including landline or wireless phone service or Internet service. Lifeline service is not transferable, and only eligible consumers may enroll in the program. Documentation of eligibility is required to enroll.
To apply for the Federal Lifeline fill out the application at NV.FCC.gov or by mailing this Lifeline Program Application Form to the Lifeline Support Center.
If someone else at your address already gets Lifeline, you may use this form to determine if there is more than one household at your address: Lifeline Program Household Worksheet.
TAP *Available in Minnesota only
TAP (Telephone Assistance Plan), if you are a low-income household or are enrolled in government programs, like SNAP or Medical Assistance, you qualify for help with your phone service!
Lifeline recipients will be automatically enrolled in the TAP program as required by Minnesota law and applicable Commission Orders.
TAP benefits are available to customers who are behind on payments. Click here to access the TAP application. Contact us about the Telephone Assistance Plan discount.
TED *Available in Minnesota only
The TED Program provides free specialized telecommunications equipment to income eligible Minnesotans who are having trouble using the telephone due to a hearing, speech or physical disability.
Voice: 1-800-657-3663
ASL via VP: 1-866-635-0082
Minnesota Relay *Available in Minnesota only
Minnesota Relay is a free telephone service that uses specially trained communications assistants (CA) to facilitate telephone calls between people with hearing and speech disabilities and other individuals. Calls can be made to anywhere in the world (long distance charges apply), 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All calls are completely confidential.
To make a Minnesota Relay call dial 7-1-1. Once connected to the relay service, tell the CA of the type of relay call you wish to make. Or, you may dial the specific toll free number for the type of relay service. For information on Minnesota Relay Services: www.mnrelay.org or 1-800-657-3775.
Iowa Relay *Available in Iowa only
Relay Iowa is a specialized service that guarantees all citizens access to prompt, professional and accurate communication through the telephone. Consumers of these specialized services, specifically individuals who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing or have difficulty speaking, can communicate on the telephone via TTY, Voice Carry Over (VCO), Hearing Carry Over (HCO), Speech-to-Speech (STS), Spanish and Captioned Telephone in order to connect with family, friends or businesses with ease.
Dial 711 or the appropriate toll-free number provided to connect with Relay Iowa. A specially trained operator, called a Communications Assistant (CA) will ask for the area code and number of the person you wish to call and will begin relaying the conversation. All calls are completely confidential. For information on Relay Iowa Services: www.RelayIowa.comor 888-269-7477.
Michigan Relay *Available in Michigan only
Michigan Relay is a specialized service that guarantees all citizens access to prompt, professional and accurate communication through the telephone. Consumers of these specialized services, specifically individuals who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing or have difficulty speaking, can communicate on the telephone via TTY, Voice Carry Over (VCO), Hearing Carry Over (HCO), Speech-to-Speech (STS), Spanish and Captioned Telephone in order to connect with family, friends or businesses with ease.
Dial 711 or the appropriate toll-free number provided to connect with Michigan Relay. A specially trained operator, called a Communications Assistant (CA) will ask for the area code and number of the person you wish to call and will begin relaying the conversation. All calls are completely confidential. For information on Michigan Relay Services:www.hamiltonrelay.com or 888-269-7477.
Minnesota Public Utilities Commission-Telephone Discounts
Click here for more information on Telephone Discounts with Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.